Archive for August, 2008

Maeve’s Foundation

August 5, 2008

I donated a couple of prints to the Maeve McNicholas Memorial Fondation. The two of them sold for $280. I am very happy that I was able to help them this way.
This is one of the prints that was sold, it can be purchased from here. A portion of the sale will be donated to Maeve’s Foundation.


Blue Dog

August 5, 2008

So, I found colored sand for my son. I knew he would love it. I really never thought about how they made the sand blue and therefore did not think about it when he asked if he could make a beach with water. I told him he could play in the water with the sand, it is always more fun to have the water, right. I called the kids in for dinner and left my cute little white dog outside. While we were sitting at the dinner table I looked outside and saw my white dog standing on the “beach”. So, if you have a white dog and colored sand, do not let the two get together.
